Saturday, June 5, 2010

In Case You are Wondering Where I Am...

...And I'm sure you are...right?


I'm trying to learn all about Wordpress so I can run my new blog.

Yup! The Shopping Adventures of Cheapo McFrugalpants will soon be getting a face lift.

I can't wait. *wink*

PS - I'll be tweeting with #wcchicago if you want to follow along - @ItsToni

**Added: I ended up not going on Sunday - which totally was the suck because I probably would have understood a bit more during the second day sessions. But, of course, the story of my life reads:
  • Chapter 1: By the time I got everything gathered and the household ready for the weekend, I ended up with about 5 hours of sleep on Friday night.
  • Chapter 2: I wanted to take the train because it's WAY cheaper (plus I could sleep) so I had to get up at 3:30am.
  • Chapter 3: Wouldn't one think by rising at 3:30, one could get to the train by 5:41? Not if the coffee wasn't made and there was no gas in the car and...and...I missed the train.
  • Chapter 4: An hour and forty minutes later, I found the venue and even found parking that was $10 cheaper than expected. So, then, I was really, really early...and I had to pee (thank you Starbucks, even though it was a MAZE to find the bathroom.)
  • Chapter 5: (the wrap-up because this is getting ridiculous) I had a great time on Saturday, met wonderful people, learned some, ignored some, got really frustrated with the terrible wifi. All in all, I was spent. Drove home in a daze. Went to bed by nine - lo and behold, the tornado sirens went off at 11:30 waking us up from a dead sleep. Up until 1/1:30 am - got up at 6am - took shower...put pj's back on and decided to stay home. I know I missed some great connections and lots of useful information - but I just couldn't fathom the thought of driving BACK into the city again today (though I did follow the #wcchicago twitter feed and got some valuable info there!) It happens.
  • The End.

1 comment:

Jaime said...

Wow! After all that I would have stayed home on Sunday too!